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The true universe is one that is shared


The true universe is one that is shared

by | Dec 14, 2024 | Blog, Fandom, General, Star Trek | 0 comments

We are orbiting a rocky and sterile planet; however, we have detected strange radiation and the captain has decided to investigate.

The  planet is so isolated and inhospitable that I don’t remember its name. The departure team left a few hours ago in search of that radiation, however one crew member is going to return since he had an accident and sprained his ankle.

When he arrives, I take care of him, now I am alone in the illness. The injury is not serious and after checking it, I send him to his cabin to rest.

While I am organizing the instruments, I hear behind me:

– Doctor, can you help me?

– Sure, just a second – I reply.

When I turn around I am petrified. In front of me, a shapeless brown mass is gaining height and taking on the shape of a humanoid. I see how a somewhat rudimentary head is formed. The incredible thing is that I hear her talking to me, but I don’t see anything moving.

  • Don’t be scared doctor, I haven’t come to do anything to you. I have come to ask for your help. And don’t be scared by how I communicate with you, my species communicates by something similar to what you call telepathy. I can access your mind and read it freely. I promise you that I will not invade your deep thoughts and privacy, I will stay at a superficial level, so we can communicate.

I am surprised. Finally, the entity takes the shape of a humanoid, something rough and completely brown, semi-transparent. The texture reminds me of a very transparent gelatin, but more malleable. All in all, I’m still shocked.


– Please – the entity continues communicating – call your captain and whoever you consider necessary. So, I can talk to them and explain myself.

-Captain, come to the infirmary urgently. Let security also come. – Achievement to say.

-I’m going – the captain answers over the intercom – What’s happening?

-It’s better that you see it in person – I reply.

-Understood – the captain accepts.

-While we wait – the entity tells me – your atmosphere is very hard for me and if I stay for too long, I will begin to suffer damage. Could you create a containment field with a vacuum so I can be in it?

-Sure – I accept. – Computer, create a containment field around the visitor and leave the vacuum inside it.

-No life form or foreign element is detected in the infirmary, apart from you. – Answer the computer.

-I understand. Well, create a containment field around stretcher number two and create a vacuum inside.

The computer creates a containment field around the stretcher and generates a vacuum. An energetic layer of bluish color surrounds the stretcher.

-Done doctor – the computer confirms.

– Thank you – I respond.

Then the entity moves and crosses the containment field without any problem and sits on the stretcher. And it begins to take the shape of a smiling young girl.

At that moment the captain arrives with the head of security and two members of his team. They remain still at the threshold of the infirmary watching as the entity crosses the containment field and settles on the stretcher..

-Greetings captain and companions, thank you for coming so quickly. – The entity is happy. – I will introduce myself; I am Tunt, my species is called One. We communicate through telepathy and we inhabit the planet that your ship is orbiting. I have come to your ship in peace to ask for your help. Our species has the ability to take any shape, from a shell two molecules thick, to the size of a horse. We can fully and freely access to the minds of those around us, several meters around us. So, I can read your minds. Don’t worry, head of security, I’m not a threat. How did I get on your ship? In our species, if we unite many minds, we can project our thoughts millions of kilometers outside the planet. When we detect you, we create the reading of that strange energy; you can stop looking for it, it is false. To board your ship, we waited for your exploration team to come down and I caused one of you to stumble, please convey my apologies, but it was necessary. When he was transported back to the ship, I attached myself to his clothing and when he arrived at the infirmary I separated myself and waited for the doctor to be alone and materialize in a humanoid form. Don’t worry, your sensors cannot detect us, they are not broken. We deceive them because we need their help. Our planet has been visited numerous times by many civilizations, but having a toxic and corrosive atmosphere, as well as no material of interest, we have never generated any interest in any of those civilizations. Your Federation has also visited us sporadically several times. However, a few months ago some beings that you know as Cardassians tried to establish themselves, they wanted to create a hidden listening and espionage post. But our atmosphere quickly damaged their equipment and they left. But they abandoned a lot of material and waste and this material is making our population sick. I have come aboard your ship; to ask you if you can take or dispose of those remains. – The entity turns its head towards me – Thank you doctor, we accept your offer to find a cure for us too. – There is no doubt that he can read our minds. – These are the coordinates where the waste is located. Doctor, will you give me permission to put in your memory all the data we have in relation to that? – I nod, after a few moments of doubt, and I am surprised to detect those data in my head. They appeared so quickly that they surprised me.

The information is very clear and concise, I can understand it without any problem. It is so good that in a few moments a possible cure occurs to me. A gas that eliminates the bacteria that were left with the Cardassian waste, and eradicates the invasive population that is being created. While I think about it, the captain has redirected the exit team to collect all the remains left by the Cardassians.


-That gas will do, its composition is not dangerous for us. – The entity interrupts my thoughts.

-I’m glad – I accept, unable to get used to this invasion of my mind.

-I insist, I apologize for this intrusion, but my species is in danger. Normally we do not interfere with anything, but this time we have not found another solution – the entity explains.

-It is very unusual, and you will understand that we are not very happy that you can access to our minds, but we will help them in any way we can. – The captain answers.


The gas to kill bacteria is easy to synthesize and in a few minutes I have several liters.


-You can spread it through these points with your transport beam, and thus they will end the disease. – Request the entity.

-Okay- the captain accepts. – Inform you that the exit team has collected all the waste and is leaving the planet.

-Thank you, my congeners on the planet have also confirmed this to me. And also, I can confirm that the gas works and is ending what threatened my species. Thank you very much for your help.

-The Federation enjoys helping – says the captain.

-If it’s not abusing… I would like to make another request. – The entity says with some shyness.

-We listen to you – the captain accepts.

-Despite what it may seem, we are very, very bored. Could you provide us with some form of long-term entertainment? – asks the entity.


We were all stunned and looked at each other somewhat strangely.


– Well… I don’t know. We have to think about it. – The captain answers.

– The idea of ​​your security agent seems fantastic to me – the entity interrupts.

– What idea? – the captain is surprised, turning to look at the crew member.

– Well, I thought that we could build a kind of holographic platform that can project festivities, concerts, recreational activities and similar elements of various cultures and civilizations across the Federation. – The crew member explains.

– Perfect, talk to engineering. – Orders the captain.

– When they manufacture it, the energy it uses must be based on sodium, so that we can refuel it, and that the unit that manages it has neural packages, so that we can interact. – Requests the entity.

– Understood, we will do it – confirms the captain.

The entity spends a few more hours talking to us, telling us more about its civilization and answering our questions. Finally, a report from engineering tell us that they have manufactured the holographic device and it works. They take him to the infirmary and show it to the entity.


-We have loaded it with everything we can think of: dances, concerts, festivals, magic… everything. The projection can be up to 30 meters high, 50 meters wide and 50 meters deep. – Explains the Chief Engineer.

-Perfect, thank you very much. – The entity responds while we see how it interacts with the projector. – It will be of great help to us. Can you transport it to these coordinates? They are from a deep grotto on the planet, I will serve as a kind of amphitheater. And away from the surface, so that no one approaching the planet can detect it.

-Sure, no problem. – Accepts the Chief Engineer.

-Before they transport it to the planet, I will place myself on it so they can transport me to the planet. I thank you on behalf of my civilization for helping and saving us. The council of my planet has met and asked me to convey to you that they would like to establish discreet relations with the Federation of United Planets. Whenever you want, send an ambassador and we can talk about it.

-We would be delighted. – The captain is happy. – We convey our best wishes to you. See you around.

-See you always. Thank you – The entity says goodbye. – In recognition of you, I have decided that the first screening we will do will be what is called: Christmas. I love those people singing, concerts and happy people. We will use it to remind you and in memory of your help.


Then the entity loses its humanoid form and crosses the containment field and places itself on top of the projection equipment. It fades and finally becomes transparent and we cannot distinguish it.


– Transportation, send the Holo-projection equipment to the designated coordinates. – ordered the captain.

The equipment dematerializes before our eyes. And everyone leaves the infirmary little by little, leaving me alone.

In the fleet you never know when we are going to save a civilization and make new friends. Sharing has always been the great secret of friendship between peoples, and this has been a new example of it.


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