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Stardate 202202.23


Stardate 202202.23

by | Mar 22, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Log of Commander J.J. Segura of the USS Andalucía NX-74657 on stardate 202202.23

After departing from Pacifica and picking up some crew members, we proceeded to put a communications satellite linked to the Denali station into orbit, with the KMA2 frequency at 3200hz, this way we do not interfere with its normal operation and we have an exclusive channel to transmit with the Federation.

After a few days of travel, our sensors picked up the interference typical of a planetary system, where only one was rocky. After verifying that these were working correctly, we verified that its lack of luminescence was due to its particular atmosphere. The planet hardly reflects reflected light, which is why we called it the Dark Planet. After verifying that there was no communication traffic, we proceeded to identify and recognize the planet, which surprised us by its darkness and that its life forms were based on Arsenic. To protect the team we proceeded with highly protective suits against corrosion and extreme cold as well as extreme heat, being thermally adaptable internally.

The life forms that we were able to see are basically vegetables and some bipedal inhabitants with an anthropomorphic appearance, their settlements resemble the prehistoric era of the Earth, as well as the collection of tools collected show us that they are in an evolutionary state below industrialization. , data that are refuted with visits to different parts of the planet. We were also able to observe that the precipitation on the planet, as well as the existing liquid water, is ammonia.

We suggest monitoring this planet from time to time, due to its limited technological power.

The expedition members suffered arsenic poisoning, a clear indication that some protocol was not carried out correctly, so they were treated in the infirmary and are progressing favorably. We suggest that all exploration shuttles be subjected to sterilization upon arrival at the ship and before proceeding to evacuate the shuttle, the crew be transported directly to the sterilization room.

After collecting this data from the Dark Planet located two quadrants from Pacifica, at the intersection with the third quadrant from Mira.

We return to our course.

Commander J.J. Segura, from the USS Andalucía NX-74657 End of stream.


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