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Log of Commander J.J. Segura, from the USS Andalusia NX-74657 Stardate 202207.03


Log of Commander J.J. Segura, from the USS Andalusia NX-74657 Stardate 202207.03

by | May 7, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Log of Commander J.J. Segura, from the USS Andalusia NX-74657
Stardate 202207.03

After multiple attempts to rescue the captured members, thanks to the initiative of our young ensign, we managed to triangulate the position of our crew members in height and horizontally. Causing a cooling breakdown in the upper parts of the complex, they had to divert energy from the containment fields of the area where our comrades are held, using a small ventilation opening that was exposed outside the containment part, this at the Being half inside and half out was enough to be able to extract the retained members outside, once collected they left for the ship.
Meanwhile we concentrate on the planet of the energy beings. This means that we have to send a team to check if our presence was really reversed, but in the event that this is not the case, we will have to take another option, to camouflage the possible evidence as something natural or simply as the possibility that it is a sporadic object that was created on the planet.
But what is most urgent for us is to quantify the degree of contamination or how to camouflage the capture of our companions. Although initially according to our chief of engineering, as long as we are in a relatively close range we will be able to maintain the crew’s holographic signal by maintaining vital signals to camouflage their presence from both thermal and motion sensors. On the other hand, they are trying to cause a small implosion in the place so that it appears that they volatilized and thus avoid contamination of the presence. Our scientific team is also trying to track communication signals that speak about them to minimize transmission. of knowledge about them.
After carrying out these tasks we proceed to leave the system, but not without leaving data collection probes on it in camouflaged mode, so that its evolution can be kept under control.
Our sensors capture in the distance a signal that is known, due to its speed and mass, it seems to be the same plane that we were able to visit a while ago, but something is different, with respect to the information we have, this makes us consider heading towards said object.
As we approach, the sensors continue to surprise us, the readings indicate the presence of carbon and oxygen escaping from the surface. This new information makes us consider a more exhaustive scientific exploration team than the previous time, but together with a team of armed security.
We approach a safe distance so that its gravity does not attract us or that any fragment that breaks off does not take a collision course.

End of Commander J.J.’s log. Segura, from the USS Andalusia NX-74657


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