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Log of Commander J.J. Segura, from the USS Andalusia NX-74657


Log of Commander J.J. Segura, from the USS Andalusia NX-74657

by | Apr 30, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Log of Commander J.J.  Segura, from the USS Andalusia NX-74657


Stardate 202205.26


After picking up a new officer in the Kazar system.

The order is given to continue with the reconnaissance and investigation mission of the federation’s outer border area.

We head towards FCG-82659.


The crew is a little worried, because they do not understand the change in the first officer, they believe it is due to the events that occurred on the plane.  But the reality is that it is just orders from the Admiralty, since for personal reasons the commander urgently requested permission.  As captain of the ship, I cannot have to give reasons to the crew for the orders received, only to carry out the orders that are given with respect to the ship. If we discuss these, I cannot ask my crew to do the same every time. once an order is given.  There is a chain of command and each one has a mission to fulfill, we are mere links within a larger-scale game, which together makes things move forward.


After a few days of traveling at maximum warp, I want to understand that this is just the new officer’s way of seeing the way or reaction of the crew to orders, as well as knowing the state of the ship.  We arrived at the FCG-82659 system, which after verifying that due to its brightness it has a planetary system, which remained hidden from the federation systems.

We confirmed that unlike other systems we found two class M planets, which give evidence of the presence of living beings.  This is why, in order to evaluate the new commander, I decided to send him to reconnoitre and investigate planet N3, since it is the one that offers the most signs of life.  >For this reason I decided to move the ship to a position that hides us from possible sightings from the planet.


Finding ourselves in this new position and seeing the possibilities of planet N5, the decision was made to send exploration probes and confirm if it could or could indeed support life.  A few minutes after the entry of the probes, we received the confirmation that they were put out of circulation, by some type of beam of particles, a reason that made us send a team to see and recover the remains of the probes, for this we caused interferences that resemble traces of small ionic storms, this being the camouflage used to transport the equipment.


The team found the remains of the probe and were able to confirm that they were shot down, but before they could remove them, they had to hide.  Beings with a semi-transparent humanoid appearance or as if a kind of halo surrounded them, these beings toured the surrounding area and were able to see how they took samples and searched the area. After a pause and meeting with each other, they boarded a transport and drove away.


This gave the team time to melt down the probe systems, replacing some alloy materials with simpler alloys.  Choosing to leave the probe, since moving it would lead to further investigation by the inhabitants of the planet, and would put our position and our concealment at risk.  After this, the team returned to the ship and gave the scientific team the recovered data, as well as the data they themselves collected from the beings.


While this was happening on planet N5, the operations officer reported that since the first team arrived on planet N3, they had not reported data or any communication.

This new information causes us to move again in an erratic orbit simulating a small asteroid trapped by orbital gravity.


After weighing the information, it is decided to send a new specialized team, with specific orders to search and recover the team sent to the planet.

After the rescue team arrived, they found the hidden shuttle, and after tracking the biological signals of our first team, they found a trail and approximate position.  After being transported to the vicinity of this new position, they found that their communicators were at coordinates inside a guarded construction, and that after triangulating the biological traces they tried to fix the position to transport them to a safe position outside of their captivity. This did not work, so other measures are being chosen.


For the moment they remain captive,


End of Commander J.J.’s log.  Segura, from the USS Andalusia NX-74657


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