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Log of Commander J.J. Segura, from the USS Andalucía NX-74657 Stardate202201.21


Log of Commander J.J. Segura, from the USS Andalucía NX-74657 Stardate202201.21

by | Apr 21, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Log of Commander J.J. Segura, from the USS Andalucía NX-74657

After encountering an object that we initially could not identify, by a stroke of fortune we managed to find out that this asteroid or object was nothing more and nothing less than a ship without us being able to know its origin. We tried by all possible means to communicate with her, which was unsuccessful, the only response we got was some shots aimed at us, carrying out evasion maneuvers and when we saw that they persisted in their aggression, we were forced to confront them. After suffering extensive damage and almost losing a lot of energy, thanks to the expertise of our Chief Engineer and our operations officers and pilot, we managed to neutralize the threat. Only when they were defeated did they communicate with us, not without making it clear to us that it would not be the last time we would meet them, since they were willing to conquer our galaxy for their purposes, suggesting that they come from somewhere outside our galaxy.

The Persepolas, as they were called, are a danger to the United Federation of Planets, as well as to the entire galaxy. We suggest that in the future there be specific monitoring of any unforeseen anomaly or asteroid of considerable size that does not have a defined trajectory or rotation. gravitational.

A few days after the event we found some remains, concentrated in a point without dispersion as if they were united or attracted in a kind of gravitational attraction on themselves, so it was decided to send a team to investigate, the results of the investigation left us perplexed, it was a ship of Klingon origin, apparently of the Negh’Var class, the conclusion we reached after analyzing the remains is that it suffered an implosion while trying to carry out an experiment, but almost immediately we detected a camouflaged ship who opened fire on the remains, but we were able to identify their trace as Hazary technology, which makes us suspect that they know something about the Persepolas.

When we continued on our way and carried out repair and maintenance tasks on the ship, traveling at impulse speed for this reason, while we recovered the lost energy, our scanners detected a foreign body, which made us activate the alarms, because at first we thought in the Persepolas, but it turned out to be a Planemo, so we decided to investigate such an extraordinary event.

After analyzing its atmosphere, we concluded that its atmosphere is not breathable, nor its toxic-corrosive gases. We proceeded to penetrate it to collect samples, which gave the following result. According to the analysis of the portable laboratory, the liquid collected from the lake is methane, the rocks and samples of the dunes indicate that they have ferrous material, clay and everything covered by dirty ice, the rain detected is a type of smog (foggy smoke) that When it hits the ground it transforms into liquid methane, the atmosphere in the lower part is composed mostly of Methane and Nitrogen, its temperature is around -179º, this is what makes its non-liquid surface constantly covered of methane ice.

As soon as we start from the Planemo we classify it as a class R Planetary category, coordinates of the outer part close to the galactic barrier near Ceti Alpha one quadrant away, direction of the Galactic barrier.

We were in a position to return to DS9 when the doctor warned us of a mandatory quarantine that requires us to remain outside the boundaries of the federation, since some of the members who visited the Planemo contracted some type of infectious pathogen, and are in isolation. , I decided, on the recommendation of the ship’s scientific and medical team, to return and take samples of the ash in its natural state in case that is where the origin of the pathogen is found.

Commander J.J. Segura, from the USS Andalucía NX-74657
End of log


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