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Log of Commander J.J Segura aboard the USS Andalucía NX-74657 Stardate 202211.07


Log of Commander J.J Segura aboard the USS Andalucía NX-74657 Stardate 202211.07

by | May 19, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments

Log of Commander J.J Segura aboard the USS Andalucía NX-74657
Stardate 202211.07
After receiving a request for help from one of the federation planets, in the NAHMI system, in the Mikulaks region, for what initially appeared to be a new outbreak of Correllium fever.
We headed towards that position, but as we got closer we received news that there was actually a being or beings that were causing this disease. It was decided to use long and medium range scanners, the signals suggested the signature of a Crystalline Entity, but after analyzing the signal we deduced that it is a new species, which takes the forms of known beings or species to get closer to its victims and cause infection.
The infection is direct and by contact as we were able to verify; This infection is barely noticeable at the moment, but after a few hours the infected person begins to feel euphoria and dryness both physically and sensorially. Within four hours the infected person becomes contagious, but it only weakens, leaving the newly infected person signaled for the Entity to infect them completely, at which point the previously infected person begins to emit a glow that causes them to fade and disintegrate, ceasing to exist. .
Although the presence of this being or Entity is detected on the surface, our scanners detect the hidden object in the planetary orbit, it produces large gravimetric distortions, and optical distortions are also collected.
The team sent to the surface is at a standstill in terms of its investigations, since at the moment the samples they were able to collect are negligible.
Our medical team is trying to prepare everything that may be necessary, as well as to isolate pathogens and humanoids.
Strong distortions are causing the messages addressed to the fleet to be unable to verify their reception, so we doubt that the help we request will be able to arrive.
While we leave equipment on the surface of the planet we go to the first coordinates where the phenomenon was detected, since in that place we can still detect traces of an unusually high energy for the time since it appeared. The remains, although they appear to indicate warp traces, are not those produced by Delithio.
Are we facing a new form of energy? Possibly a being of energy, or simply a species that uses energy for non-peaceful purposes. The traces indicate that these energy traces have a strong percentage of carbon. This suggests that they are a species that was sporadically detected some time ago at another point in the Beta quadrant near the lower Klingon border. These beings had a hydrogen sulfide base composition, and used carbon beings to produce high density energy.
End of the temporary provisional log.
Commander J.J. Safe


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