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Log of CMDR J.J. Segura of USS Andalucia NCC-74657


Log of CMDR J.J. Segura of USS Andalucia NCC-74657

by | Jun 19, 2024 | Blog | 0 comments


Remembering times past Cmdr Segura


Log of LtCmdr J.J.  Segura, captain of the USS Challenger NCC-71099


We find ourselves at war with the Dominion.  Space Station 9 (DS9) is defenseless.  The Dominion has allied itself with the Romulans and the Cardassians.  The Klingons have broken the Khitomer agreement.  Bajor is not a member of the FUP and remains neutral.


The Maquis attack Federation ships, taking advantage of our weakness.


DS9 asks Starfleet for help.


Given this situation that is transmitted to all ships, I am heading from station DS9, leaving my patrol in Regulus.


When we returned to the interception course to the starbase and taking into account the silence of communications that occurred for a time, I decided after consulting with my superior officers to set a defense course between DS9 and the Cardesian border, which despite the advice of my First Officer Gabriel Osvaldo Young and the Lt. Scientific Officer.  Cmdt.  Angel Pangione who suggested separating the saucer to provide more cover, I decided to maintain the entire ship and ask other ships for help to form a shield against the danger that was approaching.


The ships that responded granted me command of the operation, since they had no tactical response to develop, and taking into account that the response of our ship was the only one that maintained a viable strategy, it was decided to adopt this solution.


After these events I decided to send messages to the Maquis to form a truce against a common enemy, giving them carte blanche to carry out attacks against the Dominion shipyards, as well as sending armed shuttles to destroy the Cardesian shipyards, giving my first officer command of said shipyards. intervention.


Order to open a channel with the fleet.  Communiqué from USS Challenger to Federation ships, I suggest a combined and synchronized attack;  that the Captain in command of the USS Voyager attack the Ketracel bases.  Captain Carlos Javier Betancourt Arguello in command of the USS Roanoke attacks the Dominion shipyards.  And LtCmdr J Jose Segura Dominguez in command of the USS Challenger do the same with the Cardasiano shipyards.  If the Captain of the USS Discovery could cover us with his jumps this would be a good result.  Of course, for this, both the captain of the Enterprise F should protect our retreat and the defense of DS9 in case we fail.


At the time that the transmission was made, we received communication from the then Captain Carlos Javier Betancourt Arguello, that he had carried out an attack on the ketracel complex in the Kalandra sector, destroying it days ago, as well as the shipyards.


After these events we suffered heavy damage to the nacelles and lower decks, but we resisted and proceeded to provide support to the USS Roanoke, being covered and supported by the USS Enterprise F we proceeded to dock at DS9, while the USS Roanoke protected the cargo sector. the wastelands, we were informed of the disappearance of one of the ships near the Romulan neutral zone and taking into account that the Klingons almost at the end of the battle in DS9 decided to join the FUP, we can only wait until they are receiving support on your part, while our most important breakdowns are being solved in DS9, while we leave the minor ones to be solved during the search for Enterprais D.


Some senior officers suffered great emotional shocks, since we are supposed to be a research force and to pool knowledge in peace.  But let’s be honest, we are a starfleet and as such we must be prepared for peace and good relations, but we cannot help but maintain a position of strength, and be able to develop it against those civilizations that are not willing to mutual respect, this is the case in that we face each other in battle in DS9, Let’s make it clear that maintaining a peaceful relationship is not being submissive or being willing to be subjugated by anyone.


LtCmdr J.J.  Segura, Captain of the USS Challenger NCC-71099


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