Today is a great day, but that didn't stop it from being eventful. A day of festivities was predicted at the Region 9 Starbase where we are docked. By mid-morning the entire crew was in the central plaza of the Starbase dressed in our best clothes enjoying the...
Fiesta interrumpida
Hoy es un gran día, eso no ha evitado que haya sido movidito. Se vaticinaba una jornada de festividad en la Base Estelar de la Región 9 en la que estamos atracados. A media mañana estaba toda la tripulación en la plaza central de la Base Estelar vestida con nuestras...
The true universe is one that is shared
We are orbiting a rocky and sterile planet; however, we have detected strange radiation and the captain has decided to investigate. The planet is so isolated and inhospitable that I don't remember its name. The departure team left a few hours ago in search of that...
El universo verdadero es aquel que se comparte
Nos encontramos orbitando un planeta rocoso y estéril, sin embargo, hemos detectado una radiación extraña y el capitán ha decidido investigar. Es un planeta tan aislado e inhóspito que ni recuerdo su denominación. El equipo de salida ha partido hace unas horas en...
Visita a una colonia apartada
Esta mañana nos hemos levantado todos en la nave con ilusión, llegábamos a Titus Ganmma Prime. Estábamos transportando a dos embajadoras, una andoriana y otra klingon, a una visita al planeta. Aprovechando la situación, se va a dar permiso a gran parte de la...
Misión Sorpresa
Cuaderno de bitácora del jefe médico de USS Andalucía Han sido unos días ajetreados. La USS Andalucía, ha partido para realizar una misión en un sistema cercano a la Base Estelar en la que estamos atracados. Pero lo que se suponía iba a ser una misión tranquila y una...
First mission of the starship USS Andalucia NCC-74657
First mission of the starship USS Andalucia NCC-74657 Crew, we cast off. Helmsman a quarter thrust negative................., tack to starboard sixty degrees and two thirds thrust positive. Crew; This is the first mission of our ship, our destination is the Kazar...
Majel Barrett-Roddenberry was the first and iconic voice of the computer, omnipresent in Star Trek. Google revealed in 2017 that their early tests with a real voice were codenamed "Majel" in her honor. Behind fiction, science was always hidden. And today, that...
‘Star Trek: Section 31’ first image revealed… and legacy character appearance confirmed
A recent piece applauding the enduring success of the Star Trek series has unveiled a sneak peek at Michelle Yeoh's upcoming Star Trek film focused on Section 31. Additionally, it dropped a significant spoiler regarding the return of a familiar character in this...